Latest member content:
DWP video about the disability confident scheme
Advice from Scope on what not to do with a new employee
A look at workplace adjustments at Wellcome
Kate Nash of PurpleSpace talks about the link between Disability Networks and the social model of disability
Kate Nash of PurpleSpace talks about how Disability Networks can increase openness within an organisation
Kate Nash of PurpleSpace talks about how Disability Networks can influence policy
Kate Nash of PurpleSpace talks about how Disability Networks can ‘normalise’ difference
Kate Nash of PurpleSpace talks about the importance of senior champions
Kate Nash of PurpleSpace talks about workplace adjustments
A view from Lloyds Banking Group on accessible recruitment
Louis Jameson from Lloyds Banking Group talks about the benefits of employing disabled people
Louis Jameson from Lloyds Banking Group talks about building in accessibility from the start
Louis Jameson from Lloyds Banking Group talks about disability and an inclusive culture
How Lloyds engage with their disabled customers
Tags: Visual Impairment
Louis Jameson from Lloyds Banking Group talks about overcoming barriers he faces
Tags: Visual Impairment
A recruitment case study from Lloyds Banking Group
Tags: Visual Impairment
An autistic candidate, Will, talks about the barriers he faces in recruitment
Tags: Autism, Neurodiversity
Will, a candidate with autism, tells us about the benefits of employing people with autism
Tags: Autism, Neurodiversity
Advice on managing autistic employees from Will, an autistic candidate
Tags: Autism, Neurodiversity
Will, an autistic man, talks about being an autistic employee
Tags: Autism, Neurodiversity
Kate Nash from PurpleSpace talks about Disability Networks and Disability Confidence
Kate Nash from PurpleSpace discusses how disability networks can help to increase personal resilience
What support is available for disability networks? Kate Nash talks about PurpleSpace
Kate Nash from PurpleSpace on setting up disabled employee networks
Kate Nash from PurpleSpace talks about how employers can support disability networks
Ross Hovey from Lloyds Banking Group talks about overcoming barriers at work
Tags: Mobility Impairments
Disabled employees bring additional benefits with them. Here are some examples.
Tags: Mobility Impairments
Ross Hovey from Lloyds Banking Group gives some examples of workplace adjustments
Recruitment case study from Lloyds Banking Group
Tags: Mobility Impairments
Ross Hovey talks about how Lloyds Banking Group offers support around mental health
Tags: Mental Health