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Evenbreak Best Practice Portal for inclusion and accessibility in the work place.

Evenbreak’s Best Practice Portal

Best Practice Portal

Sponsored by Wellcome and Channel 4.

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The Best Practice Portal is available to employees of those organisations who have paid for membership. It is full of resources which should give you confidence around the practical issues around inclusion and accessibility in the work place. Search by category and/or keyword or browse all the content. The content is a combination of original work and content curated from other sources. Please note this is for the use of your organisation only and not to be shared with people outside of the organisation.

If your employer hasn't subscribed yet, and you would like access, please ask your employer to contact Jane on

Best Practice Portal - An Introduction from Jane Hatton on Vimeo.

Latest member content:

Why Employ Disabled People? (text)

It’s worth regularly reminding ourselves of the real value that disabled people bring to our organisations. There have been recent mutterings about disabled people being “not worth” the minimum wage, which sends out the opposite message to reality – that disabled employees are a positive asset to any workplace.

Creating a culture of openness, empathy and inclusion (text)

Article on creating a culture of openness, empathy and inclusion (by Dr. Ian Dodds)

Tips on Interviewing People with Autism (text)

Interviews generally give a poor indication of someone’s ability to perform in a particular role. This is even more the case with autistic candidates and there are much more appropriate ways to assess them, including relevant work trials or tests. However, if you have to interview a candidate you know to be on the autistic […]

5 Ways to be a Workplace Ally to a Colleague with Down’s Syndrome (text)

Article on 5 ways to be a better workplace ally to your colleague with Down’s syndrome (Source:

5 Dos and Don’ts in Managing Mental Health in the Workplace (text)

5 Things to Do and Don’t Do in Managing Mental Health in the Workplace

Access to Work (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about Access to Work

Assistive Technology (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, gives some examples of assistive technology

Benefits of Providing Workplace Adjustments (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about the benefits to businesses of providing workplace adjustments

Examples of Workplace Adjustments (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, gives examples of workplace adjustments

Funding Workplace Adjustments (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about the financial aspects of providing workplace adjustments

Inclusive Management – Engagement (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about engaging with employees

Managing Staff Wellbeing (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about managing the wellbeing of staff

Redeploying Staff (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about what happens when existing staff acquire an impairment

When Things go Wrong #4 (video)

Weird requests for “unreasonable adjustments”!

Attracting Talent (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about attracting talent

The Case for Inclusion (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about the importance of inclusion

Microlink – Assistive technology (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about the company

Workplace Adjustments (video)

Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about workplace adjustments

Quick Guide to Disability Etiquette! (text)

A quick guide of disability etiquette – what to do and what to avoid!

Attracting Disabled Candidates (text)

Ways to attract disable candidates Employers are increasingly aware of the business benefits of employing disabled people. On average disabled employees are just as productive as non-disabled people, have significantly less time off, fewer workplace accidents, and stay in their jobs longer. They have inside intelligence on the “purple pound” (the estimated £212 billion that […]

Commercial Benefits of Employing Disabled People (text)

Commercial Benefits of Employing Disabled People It’s a cliché, but still true that for most businesses their people are not only their most important asset, but also their most expensive. Recruiting and retaining the best people who are equipped with the right skills needed to do the job can take up much time in an […]

Access to Work (text)

Information about the government’s Access to Work scheme  

Disability Confident Scheme (text)

Information about the government’s Disability Confident scheme

Disability Etiquette (e-book)

An e-book about Disability Etiquette with cartoons

Disability Standard (text)

The Disability Standard was developed by Business Disability Forum to help organisations to measure and improve their progress towards becoming disability-smart. It’s the best way of checking how disability-smart your organisation is, right across your business.

Equality Act 2010 – Disability Discrimination (text)

Key points Under the Equality Act 2010 a person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantially adverse and long-term effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. In the workplace such activities are taken to include things like using a telephone or computer, interacting with colleagues, […]

Avoiding Disability Discrimination in Job Adverts (text)

Avoiding Disability Discrimination in Job Adverts (by Emma Bagshaw) Job adverts are used to advertise vacant jobs within a company. At their most basic they include details about the role, the required qualifications, and how to apply. Given that many of the best candidates are also disabled, employers must take care that their job adverts do […]

The Thinking Styles of People with Autism (text)

The Different Thinking Styles of People with Autism (a personal view by Will van Zwanenberg)

Social Model Animation (video)

An old one, but a good animation!  

What is the social model of disability? (video)

Video from Scope about the social model of disability