A guide from CIPD on the business case for diversity and inclusion at work
Graeme Whippy shares his views on the benefits of employing disabled people
It’s worth regularly reminding ourselves of the real value that disabled people bring to our organisations. There have been recent mutterings about disabled people being “not worth” the minimum wage, which sends out the opposite message to reality – that disabled employees are a positive asset to any workplace.
Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about the benefits to businesses of providing workplace adjustments
Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about the financial aspects of providing workplace adjustments
Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about managing the wellbeing of staff
Nasser Siabi, CEO of Microlink, talks about the importance of inclusion
Commercial Benefits of Employing Disabled People It’s a cliché, but still true that for most businesses their people are not only their most important asset, but also their most expensive. Recruiting and retaining the best people who are equipped with the right skills needed to do the job can take up much time in an […]
The Different Thinking Styles of People with Autism (a personal view by Will van Zwanenberg)
Louis Jameson from Lloyds Banking Group talks about the benefits of employing disabled people
How Lloyds engage with their disabled customers
Will, a candidate with autism, tells us about the benefits of employing people with autism
Kate Nash from PurpleSpace discusses how disability networks can help to increase personal resilience
Disabled employees bring additional benefits with them. Here are some examples.
Ross Hovey talks through the Workplace Adjustment Process at Lloyds Banking Group
Employing disabled workers in adult social care and health – busting the myths
Employing disabled workers in adult social care and health – guide for employers
Gathering Data. Taken from Secrets and Big News: Enabling people to be themselves at work, by Kate Nash OBE
Kate Nash of Purple Space talks about the benefits of having disability networks
Nina Frentrop talks about the business case for Wellcome to employ disabled people
Employing Disabled People in the Hospitality Industry.
The benefits of employing someone with a learning disability (Mencap).
Mental health and business