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Evenbreak Best Practice Portal for inclusion and accessibility in the work place.

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If choosing all options (i.e. both pulldown menus and keywords) the resulting page or post must contain all of these search terms. There may be few results for such a search.

Listen up – Let’s talk mental health (pdf)

BiTC – Listen up – Let’s talk mental health

Mental Health – We’re ready to talk (pdf)

BiTC – Mental Health – We’re ready to talk.

Mental Health and Well-Being – What can you do as an employer? (text)

Mental health and well-being – What can you do as an employer?.

Ten Top Tips for Managing an Autistic Employee (text)

Tips for managing an autistic employee.

Mental Health Conditions and the Workplace (text)

Mental health conditions and the workplace.

Supporting Employees with Anxiety (text)

Supporting Employees with Anxiety.

Supporting Employees with Bi-Polar Conditions (text)

Supporting Employees with Bi-Polar Conditions.

Supporting Employees with Depression (text)

Supporting Employees with Depression.  

Supporting Employees with OCD (text)

Supporting Employees with OCD.

Supporting Employees with Personality Disorders (text)

Supporting Employees with Personality Disorders.

Supporting Employees with Schizophrenia (text)

Supporting Employees with Schizophrenia.

Supporting Employees with Stress (text)

Supporting Employees with Stress.

Supporting Employees with ADHD (text)

Supporting Employees with ADHD.

Supporting Employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder (text)

Supporting Employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Supporting Employees with Dyscalculia (text)

Supporting Employees with Dyscalculia.

Supporting Employees with Dyslexia (text)

Supporting Employees with Dyslexia.

Supporting Employees with Dyspraxia (text)

Supporting Employees with Dyspraxia.

Dyspraxia – Supporting Employees (text)

Dyspraxia – Supporting Employees.

About Learning Disability and Employment (pdf)

About Learning Disability and Employment (Mencap).

What Kind of Work can a Person With a Learning Disability Do (pdf)

What kind of work can a person with a learning disability do?

Support for Employers – Learning Difficulties (pdf)

Support for Employers – Learning Difficulties.

Employing People with a Learning Disability (pdf)

Employing People with a Learning Disability.

Talking to Your Staff about Mental Health (text)

Talking to Your Staff about Mental Health.

Legislation – Managing Employees with Autism (text)

Legislation – Managing Employees with Autism.

Reducing Sickness Absence (text)

Reducing Sickness Absence.

Employing Someone with Sight Loss (text)

Employing Someone with Sight Loss.

Disability Management Across the UK Civil-Service (pdf)

Disability Management Across the UK Civil-Service.

Communication support for people who are deafblind (pdf)

Communication support for people who are deafblind.

Working with a speech-to-text reporter (pdf)

Working with a speech-to-text reporter.

Working with a note taker (pdf)

Working with a note taker.