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Evenbreak Best Practice Portal for inclusion and accessibility in the work place.

Employing disabled workers in adult social care and health – busting the myths

Employing disabled workers in adult social care and health – guide for employers

Lloyds Banking Group – Disability Recruitment Leaflet.

This is a leaflet developed by Lloyds Banking Group, explaining to existing and potential colleagues how disabled people are supported with the group. Do you have something like this?

Gathering Data. Taken from Secrets and Big News: Enabling people to be themselves at work, by Kate Nash OBE

Why job interviews create barriers to people with autism – from the perspective of a person with autism

Mental Health First Aiders.

Managing people with speech impairments.

Workplace adjustments for people with speech impairments.

Recruiting and working with someone who stammers – 10 things to know.

Guide for line managers – wellness action plans

Aidan Kiely from Wellcome talks about work experience at Wellcome

Kate Nash of Purple Space talks about the benefits of having disability networks

Video of Evenbreak conference 2014

Evenbreak conf v2 x264 from Jane Hatton on Vimeo.

Nina Frentrop talks about the workplace adjustments that Wellcome provided for her.

Aidan Kiely from Wellcome talks about creating an inclusive culture

Nina Frentrop talks about the business case for Wellcome to employ disabled people

Nina Frentrop talks about the workplace adjustments Wellcome provided for her

Employing Disabled People in the Hospitality Industry.

Disability Discrimination Legislation.

Managing the absence of a disabled employee.

Pre-Emloyment Questions about Disability or Health from EHRC

Disability discrimination during recruitment.

Disability discrimination, keypoints for the workplace (Acas)

Top ten myths about disability in the workplace.

The Management of Mental Health at Work (Acas)

Acas – Promoting positive mental health at work.

Acas – Mental Health Top Tips.

Acas – Case Study, Brentwood Community Print.

Acas – Case Study, Mind, Harrow.

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